I got my permit two weeks ago and I am looking at flights! Most of my new gear has arrived. In the last 10 months I have re-outfitted ALL of my gear. I am now on my way to becoming UltraLight! My new tent arrived this week and it looks stellar, it has been in production for the past 6 weeks. Cottage Gear Companies make gear after the order is placed. Besides my tent, my UL quilt(instead of sleeping bag) will come in sometime in July. (It has a 9 week lead time!) Also, depending on family needs I am hoping to fly to Seattle for a 45 mile jaunt over July fourth weekend. I have one more major hike planned, but I don't want to jinx it. It's just too intense and has such a large possibility of being an epic failure, so you'll hear about it later... For now, it's eating healthy, training with 120% of expected pack weight, and getting my knees up to standard.
I've spent a lot of time thinking about this blog, and in the end I've concluded the blog works great for one thru-hike, but I'll need something bigger and better to encapsulate all of my hikes, ideas, and backpacking advice. In the next few months I will be putting my web design skills to good use as well as asking others for help. Before the end of the Sierra High Route trip I hope direct you to a website that is currently "Under GoldenChild Construction". For those who have seen my mad skills with drills, screws, hammers, and thingamajigs.... stand back!!!!